Summer Continues!

We’ve been pet sitting this Bearded Dragon, Ike, for the summer… to see if a bearded dragon would be the right lizard for our family. We have enjoyed Ike and his eager eating habits. We always love learning about new animals… but in the case of having a bearded dragon for a pet, the pros definitely do not outweigh the cons: The poop is very stinky and big, with the tank needing to be cleaned each day. The heat/lighting is very fragile and always needing to be adjusted. The diet is lots and lots of fresh greens and some crickets and meal worms.We have enjoyed Ike, though are ready to say our goodbyes!

Abbie worked at the Clark County Fair for the 2nd year. She volunteers in the Young Life food booth doing lots of different things from shucking corn, to pouring froszen lemonade, to selling corn on the cob, and using the $ register. She loves working the fair and has a GREAT time meeting and hanging out with friends after her shift! Last Saturday a group of friends met at the fair and then all came here for swimming, hot dogs, and a fire in the fire-pit.

My grandparents gave James and Abbie some tomato starts from seeds they’d saved over from their tomato plants last year. We are very proud to have not killed them. In fact, they are doing awesome! They are strong and healthy and have many yellow flowers… If we can get a tomato or two, we’ll be thrilled!

James had a pack of sugar snap peas so we planted those too! They are producing peas faster than we can eat them!

I planted strawberries for fun AND they have given us several berries so far!

The kids and I visited my grandparents this week. It was a wonderful visit. We all had such fun together! Granddad loves to share his garden. James and I picked loads of cucumbers and zuchinni ~ we can’t wait to make zuchinni bread!

Granddad loves to share his knowledge and James takes every bit of it in… I love to see my kids spending time and having fun with people I love and respect so deeply!!

James posing in front of Granddad’s HUGE tomato plants!

As things go, the snake’s life with us was short lived. He escaped and James was okay with it as it was the second time he’d found a way out… James realized he was a wild animal and would do anything to get back outside (we were all happy about this). Now the snake habitat is a habitat for the snails and trout creek James caught in the Rickreall Creek.

While the kids and I were away, Josh got busy on the deck (a project we have been dragging our feet on for almost… forever). It is looking amazing! I am so excited and proud of him!

James was interested and asked lots of questions… Josh was very patient even as he was work, work, working! Such a great Dad! James ended up with a paint brush and helping Josh with the painting by the end of tonight.

I can’t wait to share the finished product!! I am so so excited! We are going to be sanding, painting, and staining all day tomorrow in hopes of finishing the top deck!

One thought on “Summer Continues!

  1. just awesome…now that is what summer is all about.

    james is such a cool kiddo…making that connection with the un-natural and natural world…

    lovin’ the new deck…i like the brown…pretty stunning!

    we(the collective we…hee) are deck building this weekend…well Rick is finishing with the treads…he has it all framed in and the joists hung…should be simple here on out…i think!

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