Mom’s Day

Josh and I celebrated our Mom’s with a tasty-little Sunday Brunch.

The menu included banana bread, rhubarb coffee cake, scones, banana cakes with fresh whip-topping, chocolate-dipped strawberries, skewered fruit, & an egg-ham-potato bake.

I received some wonderful gifts including our garden troll. He has been apart of our lives since college. Josh and I bought him at a garage sale and he has traveled and lived with us in the “yard or lack there of” ever since. Somehow he was left behind on our last move. He is getting old and has lost some body parts… so Judie built him a little troll house to keep him safe and sound while he watches over our yard/garden.

James’ class made all the mama’s a cookbook. His recipe -

Chocolate Covered Bananas

by James

You put sprinkles on the bananas and then you pour the chocolate of a cup onto the banana. Then you squirt caramel all over the banana. Then you put little Halloween and Easter candies on it. Then you put rainbow candy on it. Then you put celery leaves on it. And Valentines candies on it. And that’s how you make chocolate covered bananas.

abbie presented me with a gift certificate to a local nail salon with enough $$ on it for 2 pedicures and 2 manicures. At the bottom it read, “for me and you!”

What a lucky mama I am.

One thought on “Mom’s Day

  1. Sounds like a great day.

    I want James to come and make Chocolate Covered Bananas for me – with extra celery leaves. :-)

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